Certification according to VDI 6022

Another part of the DRAABE full-service package is the annual testing and certification of the air humidification system by the association of German engineers, or Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI). This facilitates the compliance of the DRAABE systems at any time with the newest state of the art for direct room air humidification, as defined in the VDI 6022, Sheet 6.

In contrast to an isolated component test or general system certifications, the comprehensive VDI certification guarantees compliance with all the required hygiene measures, inspection intervals and limits whilst in operation.

Minimising liability risks

Section 4 of the German Occupational Safety Act requires the employer to take into account the state of the art in all measures concerning occupational safety. Should the state of the art intentionally or unintentionally not be observed, this can result in damage and a liability claim.

With the VDI certification planners, operators and users can document compliance with the occupational safety demands and the current state of the art. 

The differences in marks of conformity

Approved safety in air humidification

  • EuroTest/GS mark

    Confirms the compliance with general European safety regulations, (e.g. machine directive).  Prerequisites for the DGUV mark of compliance.

DGUV test mark for air humidification

  • DGUV Test Mark

    Confirms that an air humidification system meets the requirements of the German statutory accident insurance. Prerequisite for the VDI certification.

VDI certification for air humidification

  • VDI Certification

    Confirms that the installed equipment at the users' facility complies with the current state of the art and meets all hygiene measures.

VDI Certification for air humidification

  • Maximum security

    VDI certification is proof that the operators' air humidification actually conforms to all the current regulations.

How does certification according to VDI work?

The basic requirements for a VDI certification is that the systems comply with the general requirements of the German Social Accident Insurance or Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (DGUV). Then all the devices, parts and components are further checked by VDI certified engineering experts for proper function and operating safety. Only then can an on-site certification be issued to the user:

Water testing

VDI certification

The water quality and all relevant microbiological limit values are tested and documented as part of the certification: 

1. The piped in water for the humidifiers has to meet at least drinking water quality standards with regard to microbiology. Some of the test items are the water parameters of i.e. PH-value, turbitity and temperature. 

2. The humidifying water at the system border to the room (e.g. nozzle outlet) has to meet all the required limit values.

Air emission

VDI certification

Periodic checking of the actual air quality in the humidified room is part of the comprehensive inspection. The microbiologic components of the room air (e.g. mould spores, bacteria) are tested, counted and evaluated with standardised procedures.

Operational reliability

Operational safety VDI air humidification

Changes in the use of the space (e.g. machine density) or of the room properties (expansion, room electronics, etc.) can have a significant effect on the operation of a direct room humidification system. The testing scope therefore also includes checking accessibility of all relevant system components, the unimpeded moisture distribution in the room, and possible heat sources that could be the cause of microbiological growth. 

Why is a VDI certification so important?

  • More security and less risk for the employers, operators and planners
  • Proves the "current state of the art" according to the new VDI guideline
  • Meets the requirements of Section § 4 of the Occupational Safety Act
  • Minimises the liability risk before the courts in case of failure incidents
  • Checks every installed air humidification unit during ongoing operation
  • Has a higher standing than other certificates, i.e. the DGUV test mark
  • Is the most comprehensive test on the manufacturer as well as user side

Air humidification with VDI certificate

"Occupational safety is part of our mission statement. The VDI-certification was therefore a must for us."          

Michael John, Managing Director
Parzeller print & media GmbH & Co. KG
Air humidification with VDI certificate

“With DRAABE I have the reliable air humidification that I need and I do not have to take care of anything myself.” 

Christoph Pabst, Managing Director
Künzel Druck GmbH

Tips and recommendations: Dependable air humidification with VDI certification

High-pressure nozzle systems

The most energy efficient form of air humidification and suitable for any industrial application.

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DRAABE customer statements

Here you can read what our industry and service customers say about DRAABE air humidification

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DRAABE Check-up service

Pure water atomiser are exchanged, cleaned, wear parts replaced and completely checked out.

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Full-service package

The unique exchange of the DRAABE container takes maintenance off of your hands.

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