HumCenter control system

DRAABE HumCenter controls

DRAABE provides the HumCenter as the central, digital control unit for an entire air humidification system. The HumCenter monitors and analyses all humidification zones, as well as the connected water treatment and high-pressure pump. Extensive "life-guarding functions" can detect and remedy deviations from optimum system values before any malfunctioning occurs.  In addition, long-term data backup enables extensive analysis functions. Connection options to the building management system (BMS) are rounding out the comprehensive range of services.

Video DRAABE Digital Controls

HumCenter controls

Control unit for the entire system

Benefits at a glance:

  • High level of reliability
    due to a permanent status display and continuous monitoring of all zones and Pur systems (life-guarding)
  • Clearly displayed
    are errors and maintenance prompts
  • Extensive analysis functions

    thanks to long-term data storage

  • Connection and data transfer
    to the building management system possible

Do you have a question about the HumCenter?

We will be happy to help and answer your guestions.

Getting started!

Tips and recommendations: DRAABE HumCenter


Controls the humidification of individual humidification zones with a high degree of user comfort.

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DRAABE PurControl

Control and information unit for each Pur container with extensive analysis functions.

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Service Hotline for technical support

Should you have any questions about your air humidification system, please contact the DRAABE Hotli...

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